Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Jawing with Girardi

Ken Rosenthal writes up an in-depth interview with Joe Girardi, and it’s free today only. My favorite bit:

How difficult was it for you to serve as a buffer between the front office and the players, considering the Yankees’ strong emphasis on analytics in recent years?

Girardi: I don’t think it was difficult. I strongly believe in analytics. My favorite class in school was math. And my favorite math class was calculus. You can’t always take the derivative in baseball and get the answer. But I think it’s extremely important. I used it a lot in managing. I had discussions with our analytical people about how they came up with things, how do we continue to improve this and continue to grow as an organization.

I wonder how many managers know the Calculus?

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/2gQuGmg

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