Thursday, February 7, 2019

It’s Not an Injured List, Either

MLB renames the disabled list:

Major League Baseball is changing the name of its disabled lists to injured lists.

Deputy Commissioner Dan Halem said Thursday the change is being made at the suggestion of advocacy groups for the disabled, including the Link20 Network.

 “The principal concern is that using the term ‘disabled’ for players who are injured supports the misconception that people with disabilities are injured and therefore are not able to participate or compete in sports. “

I suspect these are the same people who suffer from the misconception that coyotes can survive a fall off a 1000 foot cliff.

If they are going to change the name, injured is not correct either. Any number of players go on the DL due to illness. (Note that this blog tags disablement due to illnesses and injuries separately.) So are players no longer allowed to rest due to the flu? Disabled correctly describes the list, as the 1B definition in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary indicates. Impaired would be a better substitution for the name of the list, but some group would probably object to that as well.

Maybe we need a new word. How about illjured!


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