Thursday, February 16, 2017

Better Pattern Recognizers

Via BBTF, Donnie Dewees talks about using NeuroScouting software to improve his pitch recognition:

The NeuroScouting software program is built to continue challenging participants as they use it.

“You graduate through levels as you use it, and it gets harder. It’s pretty fast-paced, and I have seen the difference it has made in helping me lay off of pitches.” Dewees said.

He cited improved patience at the plate as the most significant benefit from his time spent using the program, and his numbers bear this out to a degree. His walk percentage jumped from 4.6 percent with the Short-Season A Eugene Emeralds in 2015 to 7.1 percent during his time with the Class A South Bend Cubs in 2016. The trend continued after his move up to High A Myrtle Beach in late July, with a 6 percent walk rate over 167 plate appearances.

This sounded familiar to me, so I checked the archives and found this article:

With runs at a premium in the major leagues, a handful of teams are trying to help their young hitters with a high-tech program known as neuroscouting. The details are being treated as a state secret by three clubs believed to be using the product — the Cubs, Red Sox and Rays. But it involves helping players with pitch recognition in an era when 95 mph fastballs, big curveballs and wicked sliders are more prevalent than ever.

Dewees came up with the Cubs, and now plays for the Royals. Given the way the Red Sox and Cubs hit last season, this software may be the real deal.


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