Thursday, February 9, 2017

WBC Odds

Via, Here are the latest odds for winning the World Baseball Classic:

Odds to win the World Baseball Classic 2017

United States 2/1
Dominican Republic 5/2
Japan 3/1
Venezuela 9/1
Puerto Rico 10/1
South Korea 10/1
Cuba 18/1
Mexico 25/1
Netherlands 25/1
Canada 66/1
Chinese Taipei 80/1
Australia 150/1
China 150/1
Colombia 150/1
Italy 150/1
Israel 200/1

I’m looking forward to second round games between the two Chinas.

It will be interesting to see how fast China can build a powerhouse. With an extremely large population, and a government that can grab talented athletes at a young age and train them, it’s possible that in ten years China could field the best team in the world.


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