Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Better Ownership

Jason Burke likes what he sees so far after a change at the top of the ownership pyramid in Oakland. New owner Dave Kaval is doing a better job communicating with fans, starting with emails:

First off, it’s from Kaval himself. He begins by talking about what a whirlwind the last month has been for him since he took over, and how his new position is such an honor. It also includes some gentle ribbing of the cross-bay Giants. He then mentions one of the standouts from his office hours, which is a very cool thing that Kaval is getting started. Every Tuesday fans can come in for a couple of hours and just speak their mind, which, if you’re familiar with A’s fans, they will. He then leaves his e-mail address where you can schedule your appointment for a future meeting with him.

He then continues, “One of the best parts of meeting with fans is getting new ideas and putting them into action.” He states that FanFest moving to nearby Jack London Square was actually an idea brought on by one of these fan interactions, so maybe the front office is listening after all.

So far, so good.


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