Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Bettis Prognosis

Wishes for a quick recovery from testicular cancer go out to Chad Bettis. The Rockies are fairly confident he’ll be ready for spring training:

“You never know with cancer, but as Chad has said, it seems as though the prognosis after his diagnosis is really good,” general manager Jeff Bridich said Tuesday. “Still, in regard to the time frame, we have to be a little fluid with that. But we are just happy that the news has been really positive from the doctors so far. We will figure out the time frame.”

Bettis, 27, had surgery Nov. 29 to have a testicle removed, he told ESPN in a statement late Monday night.

A good friend of mine went through the same thing at about the same age. About 30 years later, he’s still leads a happy and healthy life. I hope the same turns out to be true for Bettis.


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