Sunday, December 11, 2016

Strasburg and the Slider

Stephen Strasburg talked about and over-reliance on his slider:

This is very similar to something Zack Greinke talked about in 2014:

Greinke, being Greinke, was perhaps just self-aware enough to change. He still throws plenty of sliders, but hopes to cap them at 15, maybe 20, per start, thereby balancing his desire to win with the hope to pitch again in five days. Perhaps the ulnar collateral ligament goes a thread at a time, he doesn’t really know, but if so, he was going to budget his threads, and not pitch straight through his elbow by the time he was 30 and then be no good to himself or his team for a year.

The slider is an out pitch. Greinke saves his for when he absolutely, positively needs an out. It looks like Strasburg is moving in that direction.


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