Friday, December 30, 2016

Brantley or No Brantley

The Cleveland Indians differ with Jonah Keri on the extent and seriousness of Michael Brantley‘s injury:

Honestly, I would not expect the Indians — through official higher-ups or their social channels — to say anything differently. They’ve put the story out there that Brantley is on track, and there’s no reason to sway from that otherwise unless his shoulder detaches itself from Brantley and rockets itself into the sun. The fact that the Indians even bothered to respond is nice in itself.

It’s still worrying that the reports are out there, though, because the Indians clearly did not know just how extensive this injury was last season when they let him try and play for a handful of games.

The Indians played extremely well without Brantley, coming within a game of winning the World Series. Fans would like a healthy Brantley to help them win that extra game.


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