Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Random Player Report

The Random Evil Player program selected Chris R. Young for the next review. This Chris Young is the pitcher who most recently played for the Royals. Young is known for his height, 6’10”, and graduating from Princeton. He thesis was titled: “The Impact of Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball on Racial Stereotypes in America: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Stories about Race in the New York Times”.

Young signed a minor league deal with the Padres in December. He is coming off two seasons in a row with a negative rWAR, and his strikeout rate dropped to a low 6.6 batters per nine innings in 2017, compared to 7.4 for his career. He also allowed the highest home run rate over the last two seasons of any pitcher with at least 100 innings. I suspect his career is over.

For some reason, Young was seldom able to use his height to his advantage. A tall pitcher delivers the ball closer to the plate, giving the batter less time to react. Yet there are very few years in which his K rate exceeded 7.0 per 9 IP. A pitcher who allows the ball to be put in play tends to give up more hits, so he needs to limit walks, and Young did not do that either. Given that each of his three-true outcomes are basically mediocre, it’s impressive that he managed a 13 season career, a winning record, and 16.9 rWAR.


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