Monday, February 26, 2018

Random Player Report

The Random Evil Player program selected Trevor Williams for the next review. Williams is a starting pitcher for the Pirates, who completed his rookie season in 2017 after a cup of coffee in 2016. He is an unusual pitcher for this era, but his strength may work well in this offensive environment. He does not strike out many batters, but he limits home runs.

Fangraphs shows him as a high percentage ground ball pitcher. He was more extreme in this category in the minors than the majors, but he still keeps the ball on the ground enough to keep it leaving the park too often. Note that this has not led to success yet. He posted a 4.07 ERA in 2017. The Pirates will need to have an excellent defense behind him, and Williams will need to get his walk rate back to where it was in the minors. Ground balls to tend to find holes, so pitchers want as few men on base when that happens.


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