Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sixth End

The sixth end starts with the US holding the hammer.

Update: The US sets up a stone in the house with a guard. Sweden tries to run both off, but only gets one, moving the US guard into the house.

Update: Tyler George continues to make great shots as the US third. the US lies two after the first shots by the thirds.

Update: Oskar Eridsson, the Swedish third, takes out both US stones.

Update: Edin misses his first shot, failing to take out the US shot rock.

Update: Shuster sets up a difficult double for Sweden, according to the broadcast.

Update: Edin hits and rolls on the side US stone, but rolls two far, and the Shuster just needs to draw for two.

Update: He does, and the US takes two in the end. They lead 5-5.


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