Friday, January 22, 2016

Eppler Speaks

David Laurila spoke with Billy Eppler about his transition to the Angels. Most interesting is the change to the analytics department:

“We’ve put together an analytics department. We’ve brought in a director of quantitative analysis and have hired people to start to fill that department out. In my conversations with (team president) John (Carpino) and (owner) Arte (Moreno) during the interview process, I brought up wanting to have a stand-alone department whose sole duty was baseball research and analysis. We were able to launch that.

“Previously, there wasn’t a stand-alone department. There were analytically-minded guys here, producing the types of things our department will produce, but they had other responsibilities as well.

“Having this stand-alone department frees up the rest of us to be more hands-on in other areas. We can dive into other aspects of the job and dive deeper into individual departments, knowing that the research and analysis is getting done in another arena. Not only that, it’s being done by people who are better at it than I am.”

So Eppler is creating jobs! Excellent.


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