Friday, October 28, 2016

Orruk Colour Test

A quick colour test this week, let's take a look!

This guy is not finished just yet, but let's see how we got here, first the base, I wanted it to be simple enough to make quickly but still interesting..

I built it up in layers using Vallejo modelling paste and sands, the plastic part is a chopped up part of the arcane runes set.

And grass added:

Now the Orruk:
Basecoats were done rapidly over a white undercoat..
Before highlighting the skin particularly here and then the armour, using a pseudo drybrushing technique:

 So that's where we're at, nearly done except the metals. Seems like it's lacking in contrast to me, anyone got any ideas for how to quickly get some more into it?

Happy Painting!

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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