Sunday, January 27, 2019

Magowan Passes

Former Giants owner Peter Magowan died of cancer Sunday. He was 76 years old.

“The Giants family, the entire Bay Area and the game of baseball lost a man whose passion and loyalty to his favorite team and beloved community made it possible for all of us and future generations to experience the magic of Giants baseball in San Francisco forever,” Giants president and CEO Larry Baer said. “Peter was my mentor and dear friend, and I will forever be grateful for his guidance, support and love. His legacy will be carried on by all those he inspired.”

M.C. O’Connor a Raising Matt Cain remembers Magowan fondly:

But if I could have talked to the man, even for the briefest moment, I would have said those very words: thanks for everything. Magowan put the Giants back on the map after they nearly fell off forever.

My thoughts go out to his family, friends, and fans.


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