Some of the feedback I had on my GD entries was that the faces needed more work, White Dwarf recently ran an article on this so I decided to try their tutorial out..
First I raided my bits box for a few different faces:
Then I basecoated the first couple and put the first highlights on:
More highlights!
And now a crimson wash to the centre of the faces:
Finally, more highlights, teeth and eyes!
This was a fun process, good to get some little practice in. I think I took two main lessons from it:
1. I need new brushes! My Series 7's are not holding their point as they once were after all the painting i've done recently, the eyes were a real challenge.
2. I think I had got a bit lazy with faces, what I really found doing this was that I knew what to do, but I had gradually stopped paying as much attention as I should.
So this was a great reminder of what I should be doing, and I think it's good practice to do little training exercises once in a while!
Has anyone else tried this?
from Noobs and their paintbrush
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