Monday, October 24, 2016

Home Field Advantage

Four games in Cleveland should help the Indians cause of winning the World Series. Indians hitters were a powerhouse at home, hitting .288/.359/.469, but an anemic .236/.300/.391 on the road. Note that the drop is almost entirely due to batting average, with a smaller drop off in walks and extra base hits. They scored 5.6 runs per game at home, 4.1 per game on the road. The pitchers were more even, allowing a low .304 OBP both at home and the road, with lower BA and slugging numbers away. So the Indians were great home, but just a little over .500 away.

The Cubs were the opposite. The batters were fairly consistent home and away, hitting .254/.348/.419 at home, .258/.339/.437 away. They make a trade-off between getting on base and hitting for power, leading to 30 more runs in road games. The Cubs pitchers, however, did allow more power on the road, with opponents slugging .327 at Wrigley, .370 away. Note that both those numbers are very good, but the Cubs did allow 62 more runs on the road. So the Indians ability to hit for power at home lines up well with the Cubs giving up power on the road. The Cubs hitters and the Indians pitchers are going to be good no matter where they play, so the home/road power numbers are a small indication in favor of Cleveland.


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