Friday, November 4, 2016

Barely Outliving the Cubs Drought

Eddie Carnett died today, Friday, at the ripe old age of 100:

Carnett played for the Braves, White Sox and Indians from 1941 to 1945. He also played for the Seattle Rainiers of the Pacific Coast League, among many other minor league clubs. He was an outfielder, first baseman and pitcher. He was also a player-manager for six seasons in the minor leagues.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

His career was short, his formative years interrupted by World War II. He only hit one home run, but eight triples. At least he got to see the Cubs win a World Series in his lifetime.

Hall of Famer Bobby Doerr takes over as the oldest living major league player, born April 7, 1918. There are now just seven players left alive who are older than my dad, who recently celebrated his 96th birthday.


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