Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blast From the Past

At FanGraphs, David Laurila appears to have revived the old Peter Gammons Sunday notes column. Bud Black talks about Mike Scioscia in the lead:

“Mike is open,” said Black. “At times, people have said that he’s not, but believe me, Mike is open. I’d like to think I’m progressive enough to be open as well. Very open. The managers I know, my closest guys — Tito (Terry Francona), John Farrell, Joe Maddon, Mike — we all want to be educated on why. The last decade has taught all of us managers and coaches to be more curious than we ever were before. Times have changed.”

Of course, openness to new ideas is one thing, and implementation is another. Scioscia has seemingly made strides in both areas, with more room to grow in the latter. As for Black — his approach to analytics, and how he plans to implement them in Colorado — stay tuned. We’ll hear more from him in the coming week.

The column is full of great tidbits.


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