At the end of Part 3, I still had work to do on his boots, weapon, bracer and trim. After a rather hectic few hours of painting on the 30th, I got him in with less than an hour left on the clock.
The blood effect on the axe is actually two different layers - on top is a straight out the pot layer of Blood For The Blood God, but below that to make it look slightly older and dryer is a layer of Blood God with some chestnut ink mixed in.
The boots were done with black ink, which made them rather shiny, but also meant that the brown paint deliberately splashed on them to make them look muddy having walked through a muddy area (as his base suggests) mostly slid off!
Overall he was a really fun miniature to paint and the first man sized ArcWorlde miniature that I've finished - I look forward to my new project decision method (more on that next week!) allowing me back to ArcWorlde :)
from Noobs and their paintbrush
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