Thursday, January 12, 2017

Spin Training

The other day I noted that the price of pitch tracking hardware was coming down. Today, Peter Gammons writes about all the pitchers buying the hardware and software to train themselves:

After finishing last season with the Marlins, Breslow bought a Raspodo device, which tracks total spin, spin efficiency, tilt axis and velocity. It can be downloaded onto his iPad and costs far less than Trackman or Pitch f/x devices. He has dropped his arm angle, worked on his breaking ball, hashed philosophy with Hill and after an in person viewing, one scout described Breslow’s movement as “sick.” The Red Sox, Dodgers, Yankees and Mets will be among the teams on hand to view the workout. There was a time when Breslow appeared to be the next big thing in Stem Cell Research, but that got postponed in 2002 when he beat Harvard’s much-watched Ben Crockett—now Boston’s VP and farm director—in Cambridge, and might just get postponed until Breslow is in his Fourties.

It looks like life is going to get tougher for hitters. I suspect the next thing we will see are pitching machines that match a release point and spin rate.


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