Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tabloid Tabulations

Via BBTF, a calculation based on the number of Yoenis Cespedes tabloid backpage appearances went into the calculation of Cespedes’s asking price:

They even put a figure, $3.2 million, on the value of the approximately 50 tabloid back pages that had featured Cespedes over the course of 2016. Cespedes playing with flair, Cespedes hitting game-changing home runs, Cespedes driving exotic cars in spring training, Cespedes arriving for a workout on horseback. If it went on a back page of The New York Post, The Daily News or Newsday, it counted in the calculations.

That’s a great example of agents taking the extra base. Star power puts fans in the seats, and they tried to find a way of measuring that.


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