Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kapler as Manager

Via BBTF, players discuss Gabe Kapler‘s one-year managing in the minors.

Start in the weight room because everyone from the 2007 Greenville Drive has a Gabe Kapler workout story. Like the time they were on the road, maybe in Hickory, N.C., and Kapler joined a pregame session with his players. The manager grabbed a 50-pound dumbbell, outfielder Matt Sheely said, and put it between his legs.

“We sat there and counted,” Sheely said. “He did 50 pull-ups with a 50-pound dumbbell between his legs. We were all like, ‘Holy crap.’ I don’t care who you are. Oh my goodness.”

Or when Still, a fourth-round pick who was 6-foot-2 and 210 pounds, realized his manager had topped him.

“I thought I was lifting a bunch of weights,” Still said. “I look over and, of course, Kapler is curling 20 more pounds than I was on each arm. Wow, that’s pretty embarrassing when the manager is in better shape than you are.”

Based on that, I suspect every Phillies player will be in the actual best shape of his life when the season starts. It’s a fascinating read, as Kapler appeared to successfully combine intensity with a connection to his players.


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