Saturday, February 20, 2016

Blood Lust

Via BBTF, Mark Melancon talks about how blood analytics helped his performance. This bit raised a red flag for me, however:

The Red Sox nutritionist at the time, Tara Mardigan, introduced Melancon to a company called InsideTracker, a blood analytics company based in Cambridge, Mass. which uses blood testing to screen for 30 different biomarkers—including vitamins, hormones and other metabolic markers—and determine optimal zones for each level based on a highly personalized questionnaire which looks at a person’s age, weight, activity level, ethnicity, personal goals and more.

The company then makes nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle recommendations to help the client achieve those optimal biomarker levels. As clients repeat the testing over time, they are able to learn exactly how to fuel their bodies in order to feel their best.

This reminds me of how Jason Giambi got involved with BALCO, so I once again think it’s a bit of a con. It would be interesting to do a study where half the patients were given placebos for their deficiencies to see if they felt better.


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