Thursday, February 25, 2016

I Thought They Stopped Making Slide Rules in the 1970s

MLB announced new rules today, including a slide rule to stop injuries at second base:

MLB’s new rules for baserunners say they must:

• Not change their path to the base.

• Be able to and attempt to touch the base.

• Be able to and attempt to stay on the base.

• Make contact with the ground before reaching the base.

MLB hopes the first two rules, already loosely in place last season, will cut down on wide slides, the second two to discourage late slides.


More interesting to me is something I’ve been pushing for some time, shorter commercial breaks:

The new pace-of-play rules also include cutting the between-innings time clock from 2 minutes, 25 seconds to 2:05, for locally televised games.

I suspect broadcasts won’t lose much revenue, since less supply should make commercial slots more valuable.


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