Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fowler and the Short Term

The Orioles and Dexter Fowler could not reach an agreement on an opt-out, so Fowler settled on a one-year contract with the Cubs:

Fowler will be paid $8 million in 2016 with a $9 mutual option for 2017. The deal includes a $5 million buyout.

Epstein said the two sides agreed to terms Tuesday night, around the same time reports indicated Fowler was about to sign with the Orioles on a three-year deal.

With a new CBA to be negotiated, I’m betting players like Fowler believe free-agent compensation will be reduced or eliminated. That means he will be able to get a better offer on the free market, as teams will not need to give up draft picks. In his case, it’s good to go short term.


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