Monday, February 8, 2016

Young Arrested

Police arrested Delmon Young for battery:

According to the police report, Young, 30, approached the Viceroy Hotel, where he is a resident, and asked the valet to open an elevator. The valet said that the elevator was closed because the club to which it went was closed.

According to the report, Young said, “Stupid Cuban, open the f—— door. I’m here. Now what?”

He was told again that the club was closed, and Young responded: “I’m going to f—— kill you, you Latin piece of s—.” According to the report, Young then began to choke the valet.

After also being arrested in 2012 for racial slurs, one might think Young was a bit of a racist. I don’t really believe in hate crimes; hate is a motive for crime, not a crime itself. This would be a perfect moment, however, to bring hate crime charges into the mix, given Young’s history.


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