Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In the Tank

I did not buy the idea that the Braves were tanking the season, but signing Jeff Francoeur to a minor league contract moves the needle in that direction.

I just want to point out once again that if teams want to eliminate tanking, they should eliminate the draft. As long as there are rules about how teams can sign people, and who gets to pick when, teams will game the system. Remember in the early 1990s how teams picking lower in the draft wound up with good players? The players would say they were going to college. The teams with early picks would pass over them, since they were poor and didn’t think the player would sign for a reasonable about of money. A team like the Oakland A’s would then draft the player and sign him for more than the slot was valued. Eventually, teams put in rules to limit the money you can spend on draft picks in a slot. Tanking will lead to more rules, which other teams will game and exploit. Go back to simple, everyone’s a free agent.

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/1Q8mUwx

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