Monday, May 30, 2016

A New Noob and Summer Noob Schedule

Hi folks!

As some of you might have noticed yesterday, we have a new Noob on board - Necropocalypse - you can find out more about him on his page here.

With Necropocalypse on board, we now number 5 current Noobs so I thought I'd give a quick run down of our schedule as we head into summer.

Monday - Noobish News/Q&As
Tuesday - Shamikebab
Wednesday - A Closer Look
Thursday - Merkeysa
Friday - ArkMechanicus
Saturday - Brambleten
Sunday - Necropocalypse

We plan on everything bar the News and Q&As to be weekly, with News as required and Q&As on a regular, ongoing basis. This may not always be possible, but with 5 of us, I'm really happy to say we should now have almost daily fresh new content. This is something I'm quite proud that we're going to be able to achieve and will hopefully continue for a long time. 



from Noobs and their paintbrush

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