Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fixing Harvey

The change Matt Harvey made to his mechanics appears quite simple:

The change Harvey made was slight but impactful. He started separating his hands sooner (taking the ball out of his glove) which allowed him to get on top of his pitches earlier than in past games this season.

The early separation of hands meant Harvey was quicker to get to what is called the “power position” in the delivery, which combined with good extension allows for much later life on the fastball. Harvey’s fastball had a lot of life and late movement on Monday, some of the best we have seen from him in 2016.

He kept his velocity up through all seven innings he pitched. Nice job by the Mets staff and Harvey to figure out the problem and correct it.

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/1RIrdhD

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