Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekly Look at Offense

Week eight of the 2016 season proved to be the highest scoring week of the year, coming in at 9.35 runs per game. That was nearly a run per game higher than last week, at 8.37 runs per game. The 2016 season continues to run ahead of the 2015 season at the same point, 8.67 runs per game this year versus 8.32 runs per game through eight weeks in 2015. (All comparisons are through eight weeks in each season.) As has been true all year, home runs and walks are way up, there is nearly one more strikeout per game, and other hits (singles, doubles, and triples) are down slightly. Overall, there are more batters reaching base, and more long hits to drive them home.

I suspect this difference between the seasons my get bigger over the next few weeks. As you can see on the graph associated with this spread sheet, 2015 entered a ten week down period in week eight. If 2016 can avoid that, we are looking at much higher scoring this season.


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