Sunday, August 28, 2016

Age of Sigmar - Slaughterpriest

This week, I decided that I'd get back on with my Khorne Army for Age of Sigmar. This is a project that will see me through until the end of the year. I have had this Slaughterpriest on my WIP bench for a while, and this week seemed like the perfect time to finish it off.

This model has been a lot of fun to paint. I currently have another model like this which I aim to convert (it will likely be a head swap, and I may take the censer and chain off the left hand) and two of the other Slaughterpriest!

Completed Khornate Slaughterpriest

I have kept the colour palette very limited - Red, Black, Metal and Flesh being the main paint colour on this model. My entire army is painted to the Goretide colour scheme (red armour, brass trim and black cloth.)

I will have more of this army complete over the coming weeks.

Slightly off-topic, but who's getting the new White Dwarf? I'm going to try and grab several, as theres a Slaughterpriest (this model I believe) on the cover. You're getting an £18.00 model on the front of a £5.99 publication. Not a bad bargain!

Another close up of the flesh and bone details.

For the painting recipes on this model, you can find my Stage-by-Stage tutorials at the following link:

Why not tell me what you think in the comments section below?

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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