Friday, August 26, 2016

Reflections on the painting mojo

This week I'd like to return to a topic I've discussed before and share some more thoughts I've been having around my painting mojo..

Recently I've been on a very relaxing holiday and this gave me time to take a step back and take stock of things. It really crystallised something I've had in the back of my mind for a  couple of months now. I haven't been feeling the painting love as much as I was. I think this shows in my results and because my motivation is producing good looking models this sort of snowballs a bit.

So what to do?

Is this what the path forward looks like?

The way I see it there are three options:

1) Speed paint something
2) Paint something completely different to normal
3) Try and hit a sweet spot for being happy with something in not much time.

#1 has previously been my answer and that's often worked, but this time it feels like I've done that recently with my colour scheme tests. So that's out.

#2 is also a good option recommended by many, but I feel again like maybe my style has benen somewhat varied lately, experimenting with OSL and monsters and so on.

#3 then.. when I think back to models I've been really happy with in the past compared to the time committed, this one high elf stands out..

I was really happy with this model (back in 2013 anyway!). So I'm thinking maybe I'll try painting another elf and see how it goes, take a break from my current projects. 

What do you think? Anyone got any advice?

Interestingly, I'm not doing any gaming at the moment (since April) due to issues with my back, I wonder if that's affecting this somehow?

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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