Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekly Look at Offense

Week 21 produced 9.07 runs per game, bringing offense for the year to the 8.98 runs per game level. That held steady compared to 2015, producing 8.39 runs per game at the same point. The number of games played is exactly the same both seasons, 1947, so a comparison of home runs shows 684 more this year, 4537 to 3853, 2.33 per game in 2016 compared to .198 through 21 weeks in 2015. Home runs account for more than half the difference in runs. The rest comes from the increase in walks, which puts more men on base to drive in. Other hits (singles, doubles, triples) remain down, nearly 0.2 less per game than in 2015, but the increased home runs and walks mean more men are on base.


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