Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Unboxing the Goblin Rock Band from Hungry Troll

Another fun unboxing this week, but first up we're going to travel back in time

*Insert weird time travel music, synths and woooooOOOOOOooohs*

Back in Second Edition, when 40k was a little more wacky and didn't take itself so seriously Orks actually had rock band miniatures, the Goff Rockers. You can still get the miniatures from the GW site but they no longer have the rules. I've always been a fan of these models and in particular a diorama I once saw for them (which try as I might I can't find pictures of)

So fast forward to the end of last year, someone has shared a new Indiegogo campaign for a newly sculpted Blood Bowl team, Plague Fields. Some interesting miniatures but doesn't really appeal to me (check them out though if you are a Blood Bowl fan!). Suddenly I get down to the add-ons and I see a Goblin Rock Band! I couldn't resist, complete impulse purchase.

The miniatures all came in one plastic bag inside a cardboard box padded with bubble wrap. The miniatures are metal, let's take a look!

First up we have a goblin with bass guitar (shaped like an axe blade) based on Gene Simmons from Kiss, spiky platform shoes, tongue out.

Next the vocalist, complete with Mic stand (complete with bat wings) based on the legend that is Ozzy Osbourne, little details like Ozzy's signature long locks and glasses.

The first of the guitarists is dressed up like a schoolboy, based on Angus Young from AC/DC. He wears shorts, blazer and tie with a little spiky schoolboy cap.

Next up the drummer, he comes with a separate drum kit (complete with skull drums) and a little demon skull stool. He could be based on Slipknot's former drummer Joey Jordison, he seems to be wearing a boiler suit with some sort of face mask so it's the most likely influence.

Finally we have the second guitarist, who is clearly based on Slash from Guns N' Roses. Complete with his signature top hat. This is such a great little miniature.

The 6th member of the band is a grinning goblin in a pimp outfit (cane, hat with feather and trimmed cloak) compete with a little squig. I assume he's supposed to represent the band manager.

As you can see a characterful bunch! I love the influence of real musicians, being a big rock/metal fan myself. I'd love to do an interesting diorama of these guys some day.

Check out their website. http://ift.tt/1eOV4XX The Goblin Rock Band are listed in the Plague Fields section, they're currently unavailable but I imagine will be listed after the Indiegogo is fulfilled.

from Noobs and their paintbrush http://ift.tt/2bzfHLs

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