Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Time of the Game

The New York Times rounds up opinions on speeding up the game from pundits and readers. I like that a number of them want the between innings break shortened, but none make the connection that with fewer ads, baseball could probably charge a higher rate per ad and make back most of the lost revenue.

I also like that the compilation contains comments by people who like the game the way it is:

Fix baseball? Fix baseball? I’ve got news for you. Baseball doesn’t need fixing! It is just about perfect the way it is.

Oh, you in a hurry? Need to get back to the office? Well, then you don’t belong at a baseball game.

What are you? From the MTV generation? Shorten the game? Please.

You don’t go to a baseball game because you’re in a hurry. You go to a baseball game to relax and watch how it all unfolds. One of the great things about baseball is that there is no clock. You get to chill out, have a conversation or two, and take what amounts to a mini-vacation.

The game doesn’t need shortening and those who think it does need to go to a basketball game. Or a football game. Or any other sport with a clock, so you can make sure not to miss your dental appointment.

Thinking back on the times I’ve been frustrated at a baseball game, the main reason was a pitcher afraid to throw the ball to the plate. There’s a man on base, he holds the ball forever, steps off, throws to a base, clearly not wanting to engage the batter. Pitchers who don’t want to face a batter with men on base should not be in the major leagues.


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