Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pedroia on the Retaliation

Dustin Pedroia did not like his teammate Matt Barnes throwing at Manny Machado:

The dugouts didn’t clear, but Barnes was ejected on the spot. And as reliever Joe Kelly warmed up, Pedroia whistled from the dugout to get Machado’s attention and told him how much he disapproved of his teammate’s actions in an exchange that was captured so perfectly by cameras from both New England Sports Network and Mid-Atlantic Sports Network that any amateur lip reader could follow the conversation.

Pedroia: “It’s not me. If that was me, we would’ve hit you the first day (after the slide).”

Machado pointed to his head, making clear that Barnes was out of bounds.

Pedroia: “I know. That’s bull—-. We should’ve hit you the first at-bat yesterday. I know that, and you know that. It’s not me. That’s him.”

Could there have been a stronger rebuke?

Well, the Red Sox could suspend Barnes. I’m glad to see Pedroia talking honestly about that. Maybe it will keep the situation from escalating in the future.


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