Saturday, March 4, 2017

BAM! Knocking Out WAR

Via BBTF, MLBAM is introducing a new WAR based on StatCast:

BAM wants anyone interested to understand from whence its WAR came. So the idea is for a tree – one that allows a click or tap on the overall number, which then branches into components (offensive, defensive, baserunning, etc.) that show his overall value in each. From there comes a breakdown of more subcategories, and subs of subs, and on until piecing together WAR isn’t so daunting.

They’re also toying with the idea of an alternative presentation for their WAR. Even though the current one correlates quite strongly with overall victories in a season when adding up individual WAR contributions from each team, BAM’s audience is different than the B-R/FanGraphs niche. BAM could, for example, judge players on a 1-to-100 scale using the same criteria as another would for WAR.

“There’s an argument to be made for putting out an extra scale,” Petriello said.

“What will make our version of WAR intriguing,” Willman said, “is the way we’re going to make it accessible.”

As Tom Tango likes to point out, WAR is a framework, not a formula. It’s a way of combining runs representing different parts of the game, and adjusting based on factors such as defensive position. Come up with a better way of measuring runs, and you get a better WAR in the same framework.

MLBAM takes it to the next level with presentation software. I can’t wait to see it.


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