Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Gamble Passes

Oscar Gamble died today, Wednesday, at age 68. My thoughts go out to his family and friends:

But the most iconic aspect of Gamble’s career was his Afro in the early 1970s. In a 2016 interview, Gamble told The Daytona Beach News-Journal that he had to trim his hair when he joined the Yankees in 1976, to comply with owner George Steinbrenner’s grooming policy.

“I got there in spring training, I didn’t have a uniform,” Gamble told the newspaper. “(Manager) Billy (Martin) told me I had to get a haircut before I get a uniform.

“And I never grew it back. It was just a ’70s thing, that’s all it was.”

It was by far the best Afro in the majors. I believe people noticed it due to Gamble verve playing the game. He always hustled, always looking like he enjoyed every moment on the field. He was fast, and that speed often led to his cap, which sat more on his hairdo than his head, would come flying off. The closest to that today is Bryce Harper, whose high hair often dislodges his batting helmet as he flies around the bases.

Gamble’s strength lay in his on-base percentage, .365 for his career. His pop was decent as well, with a .189 isolated power. I always enjoyed watching him play.


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