Thursday, January 11, 2018

Trophy Time

James Crabtree sends this picture:

World Series Trophy

Baseball Musings reader James Crabtree poses with the Astros World Series trophy.

He also sends along this commentary:

As a long-time devout Astros fan I was happy to get my photo taken with the World Series trophy yesterday in the Gov’s office at the Texas Capitol. This quote from the Gov. caught my attention

What about the Texas Rangers, Abbott was asked by a reporter? “Nothing better than a World Series between the Astros and the Rangers,” he replied.

Aside from watching baseball more closely, I think Gov. Abbott should use his bully pulpit to call on MLB to put the Astros back in the NL and thus allow Texas the possibility of one day having an All-Texas World Series. Move the Brewers back to the AL. Imagine the outrage if the possibility of an All-NY, All-Chicago, All-Bay Area, All-LA area, All-Ohio, All-Missouri World Series were taken away for no good reason. They could even more the Diamondbacks to the AL West without too much trouble.

For me, it works either way. In league rivalries work great, too, as the Dodgers and Giants, always in the same state, played some memorable games and series.


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