Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hall of Fame Day

The Hall of Fame election announcement comes this evening on MLB Network. David Schoenfield at ESPN previews the selections. It looks like three players, Chipper Jones, Jim Thome, and Vladimir Guerrero will get elected. Edgar Martinez and Trevor Hoffman are on the bubble.

Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens are now on their sixth ballots (players remain for 10 years). They continue to see their percentages increase, and both are at 64 percent. The purge of voters from 2015 to 2016 that reduced the number of voters from 549 to 440 helped them, but you have to think that the elections of Mike Piazza in 2016 and Ivan Rodriguez in 2017 — two players caught up in PED speculation — helped as well. The totals for Bonds and Clemens will fall after the private ballots, and it’s not clear that they’re on an inevitable path to the Hall of Fame. It does seem clear that Joe Morgan’s email to all voters in late November asking them not to support PED users — issued from a Hall of Fame email address apparently with the approval of the Hall itself (Morgan is a board member) — has had little effect on voters.


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