Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Minor League Story

Wanda Adams Fischer recently published a novel on minor league baseball,
Empty Seats. The book received excellent reviews on the Amazon page linked above and on Kirkus.

Ms. Fischer writes:

It’s dedicated to Jack Lanzillotti, who produced games at Fenway Park but was killed, along with his fiancĂ©, by an unlicensed driver who plowed into them as they walked in Copley Square. I also dedicated it to Kirby Puckett, Harmon Killebrew, Dick Radatz, and Bill Monbouquette.

I’ve been a baseball fan since I was eight years old in 1956. I also auditioned for the job of public address announcer at Fenway Park in 2012. Although I didn’t get the job, I made the finals and announced a full game between the Red Sox and Twins that year. That’s how/when I met Jack.

Very cool. You can also hear Wanda on the radio at WAMC in New York with her show, The Hudson River Sampler. Best of luck to Wanda with the book!


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