Saturday, January 27, 2018

Machado to Short

The Orioles will play Manny Machado at shortstop and Tim Beckham at third base this season. I disagree with the move. Machado is a great defensive third baseman, who over his career showed he can shine at the hot corner. While he may be a good shortstop, I doubt at this point he will be a great shortstop. Third base is about quick reactions and a strong arm. Shortstop is about range and turning double plays. Machado has been away from the position long enough that those skills will need to be relearned. This isn’t Cal Ripken moving to shortstop in his rookie year.

The Orioles are also inviting a higher chance of injury. I understand Machado’s bat will be more valuable as a shortstop, but it doesn’t seem worth the risk at this point in his career. That the Orioles are allowing the move tells me they are not planning to keep him past 2018.


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