Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Syncohated Clock

It would appears that MLB is going to get a pitch clock, and the players hate the idea:

As one player involved in the talks told The Athletic, “I’ve seen players unified on issues before, but nothing like this.”

Players did bring ideas to the table:

Among their ideas: Reducing the time between innings (which would decrease television advertising revenues) and streamlining the video review process. According to, some players even proposed bringing back bullpen carts.

I am all for the reduction of time between innings, as I don’t think ad revenue would suffer that much as MLB as reduced supply should drive up the cost. That particular idea also shows how poorly the union values the players. If revenue did drop due to few ads, that money is going to come out of the pockets of the players. What they should propose is payment for playing faster. I’ve made proposals along this line in the past, but maybe MLB should pay bonuses to the players on teams who play quickly. MLB gets to improve the game, and the players get to increase their share of revenue. This seems like a no-brainer win-win to me, but I’ve only seen Bill James propose an economic solution.


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