Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What to Trade?

In sticking with today’s economics theme, Nathaniel Grow notes how little leverage the MLBPA holds right now:

As a result, the players union is currently stuck between something of a rock and a hard place. The existing economic structure of the game is becoming increasingly less favorable for players. At the same time, however, the players have relatively little they can offer the owners in exchange for modifications that would meaningfully improve their financial position.

As an aside, this makes the MLBPA’s willingness to agree to a new domestic-violence policy back in 2015 all the more curious. While certainly laudable from a societal perspective, with so few other sources of potential leverage over ownership, it is somewhat surprising that the union would agree to a concession like this without receiving anything in exchange from the owners, especially just a year out from the 2016 CBA talks.

Even a work stoppage isn’t all that devastating, since the owners have a steady stream of revenue from non-baseball aspects of MLBAM.


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