Friday, January 5, 2018

Launch Alexander

Scott Alexander induces a very low launch angle, which made him the center of the three team deal between the Dodgers, Royals, and White Sox Thursday evening. As one might expect, this leads to a very high ground ball rate.

Note that in many ways he is a Tommy John lefty, expect he is not a soft-tosser. One thing this type of pitcher does exhibit, however, is the reverse platoon split. Left-handed batter hit him better than right-handed batters. He’s a Tom Glavine/Jim Abbott lefty.

A left-hander who gets out right-handers is a good strategic weapon. Bring him in against a lefty hitter, and the opposite manager might pinch hit with a righty. Also, he doesn’t need to be limited to one batter.

On top of that, he’s a prolific blogger! 🙂


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