The rule of 5.
Unfortunately this week, my time has been limited due to working longer hours. So I wanted to look at batch painting larger units.
The Blood Reavers, as last week's WIP Part 1.
Base Coating - The Big Bit.
I have been working on a unit of 20 Blood Reavers for a while, and as with any large unit, there is a lot of base coating and ink/shading to be done. I spent a few hours just painting Scorpion Brass and brown before giving the whole model a wash of Coat d'Arms Brown ink. The flesh was then blocked in and given a wash of Chestnut Ink.
This was quite a laborious and tedious task (I actually painted two units of 20... Oops!) but once that is out of the way, we can move on to the fun bit - Highlighting.
Batch Painting - The Rule of 5.
I have worked on large projects in the past, and the highlighting is the most time consuming part. I read on a number of other websites about batch painting, and thought I'd give it a try. It actually works really really well. I have made some great progress on the first 5 Blood Reavers as you can see below.
The first 5 Blood Reavers, almost complete.
I have some more work to do on the flesh, but the red is complete as is the metal work on the armour edges. I am working on a GW-Style painting guide for each colour, which I will publish next week.
As well as the Blood Reavers, I was also working on completing the first 5 Blood Warriors from the AoS box. Mistakes were made, but I kind of bought another box of 10 this week, to make a unit of 15...
Five Blood Warriors, almost complete!
The Blood Warriors need a final highlight on the red, weapons, boots and straps and then complete the bases.
By next week, the Blood Warriors should be complete, with the Blood Reavers looking like a complete unit.
from Noobs and their paintbrush
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