Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wearing Out Arrieta

The Cardinals swept the Cubs with a 7-2 victory, hanging the second loss of the season on Jake Arrieta. Arrieta lasted just five innings, leaving after throwing 106 pitches. It was his third start in the last four in which his pitch count rose over 100 in less than seven innings. In his last start, against the Pirates, Arrieta left after six shutout innings and 112 pitches. Three starts ago he threw 108 pitches in five innings against Arizona. Earlier in the season, he was going much deeper into games with around 100 pitches.

Did opponents discover something? Are they taking more pitches earlier in the count trying to make Arrieta work more? Are they shortening their swings with two strike to try to make more contact, and hit more foul balls? Is Arrieta just missing the strike zone more?

Getting Arrieta out of the game early should be a boon to opponents. If batters have adopted a strategy that works Arrieta more, it’s impressive that so many teams figured it out and can execute the game plan. Have Cubs fans noticed anything different?


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