Goretide Age of Sigmar Khorne Army.
I split the AoS box with a friend when it was released, and I intended to only collect and paint those particular models before buying any others. But, like the true hobbyist I am, I bought pretty much every cool model going thereafter, and my plans were squashed!
Stage 1 - Preparation.
First up, I would like to discuss the basing and priming of these models. Since one or two of the models already have rocks as part of the model, I wanted to carry on with this theme. I happened to be in Pets at Home looking for a cheaper alternative to basing materials, and came across these 2KG bags at £3.50 each. For the money I felt it was a good investment!
Medium-grade and fine-grade fish tank gravel. The perfect combination.
Once all the models were assembled, I based them by first superglueing the medium-grade rocks strategically and then once set, applying the fine-grade with PVA. Once completely dry I primed all my models with Halfords Red Plastic Primer, at £6.99 for 300ml. All the models in the main photo were prepared this way.
Stage 2 - Mass base coating and ink washing.
I painted all the armour edging in Scorpion Brass (GW) and the rocks on the base were painted in Dark Reaper (GW), then washed the entire model in Coat d'Arms Brown Ink.
Flesh was painted with Army Painter Brown Rose and then these areas were washed in Coatd'Arms Chestnut Ink.
All weapons and chains were painted with a basecoat of 50/50 Leadbelcher (GW) / Abaddon Black (GW) to really make it look dark. These are edge highlighted in Ironbreaker (GW).
Boots and straps were painted in Army Painter Chocolate Brown and given a wash of Army Painter Smoke.
Once all of the ink washes were dry, each area was given a highlight of its original colour, leaving the ink in the recesses.
All red armour areas were given a coat of Mephiston Red (GW).
A unit of Blood Reavers with Reaver Blades, ready for additional highlighting.
Work in Progress - Part 2.
So this is Part 1 of my Age of Sigmar Khorne WIP. I will paint my second unit of Blood Reavers over the coming weeks before moving onto highlighting and detailing.
For now, have a look at my Slaughterpriest, who is almost complete.
Slightly out of focus Slaughterpriest WIP. Photo booth arriving this week!
Until next time...
from Noobs and their paintbrush http://ift.tt/1W7Ca3H
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