Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought

My favourite Space Marine Chapter of all time, the Blood Angels, have been under the brush once again this week. I am working on a Horus Heresy army at present for a large battle in October. While waiting for the shoulder pads and weapons from Forge World, I decided to paint the Contemptor Dreadnought from Betrayal at Calth to pass the time.

Why the Blood Angels?
Ever since I can remember, the Blood Angels have been my favourite Space Marine Chapter. On reflection I think it was the Death Company that made me want to do them. Blood-crazed psychopaths, butchering their foes in gleaming black armour. I mean, what's not to like? The models are really cool too, with Mephiston and Corbulo being my favourites. I have them kicking about in a box somewhere, so I may dig them out and give them a new lick of paint.

Which paints did I use?
The model was primed in Halfords Red plastic primer. Each image below itemises the paints that were used. I have used Games Workshop paints throughout. I'll run through each step, and how I achieved the finish.

Red Armour Areas.

Stage 1: After priming the model, I painted Nuln Oil into all the recesses only. I usually cover the entire model, but this is counter productive on a model such as this one.

Stage 2: Paint all the raised areas with Mephiston Red.

Stage 3: Edge highlight all areas with Evil Sunz Scarlet

Stage 4: Add a final highlight of Wild Rider Red to the highest points of the armour.

Metal Areas.

Stage 1: Paint all areas with the 50/50 mix of Lead Belcher and Abaddon Black

Stage 2: Cover all metal areas with Nuln Oil

Stage 3: Edge highlight all areas with Runefang Silver

Black Areas.

Stage 1: Paint all areas with Abaddon Black

Stage 2: Edge Highlight all areas with the grey mix

Stage 3: Edge highlight all lightest areas with Dawnstone. If you add one slightly watered down coat, and then another neat coat you can almost blend the highlight.

Carapace Scroll.

Stage 1: Paint a base coat of Zandri Dust

Stage 2: Paint a coat of Agrax Earthshade over the entire area, including the shape itself. You will notice from the photo that this gives a dropshadow to the scroll, making it stand out.

Stage 3: Paint the scroll with Zandri Dust, leaving the Agrax Earthshade in the recesses.

Stage 4: Mix Zandri Dust and Ushabti Bone 50/50 and paint around the scroll edges. Then add another coat of Ushabti Bone towards the upper-most edges.

Stage 5: Mix 50/50 Ceramite White and Ushabti Bone and paint the highest edges of the scroll.

Helmet Lenses.

Stage 1: Paint all areas with Caliban Green

Stage 2: Paint a coat of 50/50 Caliban Green and Moot Green towards the front of the lens.

Stage 3: Paint Moot Green over Stage 2, leaving some of it showing.

Stage 4: Paint 50/50 Moot Green and Ceramite White at the front of the lens.

Stage 5: Add a pure white dot to the back of the lens as shown.

The Verdict.
Because this model is so big, with nice clean lines, it was really easy to paint.  My advice for someone following the steps above would be to take your time and get to know how edge highlighting works. I could have airbrushed this, with smooth blends from black to red, but I really am just a huge fan of edge highlighting - it's simple and effective.

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from Noobs and their paintbrush

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