Friday, March 15, 2019

A Million Dollars

The million dollar Home Run Derby prize won’t entice Aaron Judge back into the contest, but he likes the idea:

“That’ll definitely entice a couple of more guys to definitely participate, that type of prize money, man,” Judge said. “Especially those of us on the league minimum. That would double our salary in one event. That would be pretty cool.”

The previous Derby payouts were $150,000 to the winner, $100,000 to second place, $75,000 for the other participants and $25,000 for the longest home run.

This is why I think paying players to speed the game along would help. The older, richer, players can take their time. A great deal of the playing population might be able to double their salaries if they play quickly. I assume once batters get into the habit of staying in the batter’s box, and pitchers get used to working quickly on the mound, those habits will carry over into their high salary days. Financial incentives, rather than in game penalties, are a much better solution to the time issue.


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